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"Displacement can only be replaced by even more displacement" ... this is how the engineers of the early 20th century have thought when they developed this 14.5 liter engine ...
Initially, the 9.5 l and 14.5 l -
In absolut orginalem Zustand aus der berühmten "Schlumpf Reserve Collection" ist dieser Bugatti T57 Berline aus dem Jahre 1938. Wir zeigen dieses Fahrzeug bewußt in unrestauriertem Zustand, um zu veranschaulichen, wie unbarmherzig der Zahn der Zeit auch vor damals schon teuren Autos keinen Halt macht!
Another special car in the prewar exhibition shows the AUTOVISION with this Bugatti T57 Galibier from the year 1936. A particular refinement of this vehicle is the glass roof, which makes for a bright interior.